The Bachelor Curriculum
In our bachelor programmes the focus lies on applied eTourism, starting at the 3rd Semester (operative level) until the 6th Semester (strategic level). You get to know the soft- and hardware used in Hospitality- and Destination-Management, understand the new rules of the internet economy and learn to act as a professional in this environment.
You understand new eMarketing- and Management approaches and learn how to apply them. At the end of your studies, you should be equipped to make the right decisions in this fast changing and dynamic market in order to stay one step ahead of your competitors.
The Master Curriculum

In our master programme, eTourism is very research orientated.
Students get an introduction in eTourism in the 1st semester and write a proposal for a groupwork, which will be relevant for the 2nd semester. This is characterized by literature research for the specific topic, followed by an empirical analyis in the 3rd semester. At the very end, student groups hand in a scientific paper. Some of those were already presented at international conferences or published in academic journals.
Students can use our eTourism-Lab for trying out and analyzing future technologies, altering the tourism industry. For those staying in the tourism industry, this lectures trains you to ask precise questions and to find ways of propperly solving them. Your analytical thinking is trained, a gift you need in higher management positions. This lectures should also lay the basis, if you probably want to continue a scientific carrer.
eTourism Lectures – Master Programme
1st Semester
- eTourism Fundamentals (1 ECTS / 1 SWS) Mattia Rainoldi
- Innovation eTourism (1 ECTS / 1 SWS) Roman Egger
2nd Semester
- eTourism Theories (3 ECTS / 2 SWS) Roman Egger
3rd Semester
- eTourism Research (5ECTS / 2 SWS) Roman Egger